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The ONE80 Leadership and Data Academy provides employees and/or graduates with data skills and leadership training.

It provides a foundation in understanding how to master self-development, ready participants for the workplace, polish communication skills and to engage, inspire, and persuade with data.

We assist organisations in bridging capability gaps to help future-proof employees.

Our programme offers a combination of data skills and leadership short courses, with the backbone, the incorporation of the following courses:

Course Delivery: Face-to-face or virtual | 4 days

 A journey of self-discovery to master self-development and to help them understand their individualism and the greatness that awaits inside them. It’s about self-awareness, compiling a personal development plan, being authentic and building their personal brand.

Course Delivery: Face-to-face or virtual | 4 days

This programme has an aim to ready participants for the work place, ready to contribute, communicate,
be a model follower, be curios and continue learning and perform.

Course Delivery: Face-to-face or virtual | One /or two days

Enhance listening skills, refine verbal and non-verbal communication, polish presentation skills and learn how to communicate more effectively.

Communication Skills content
q Core Communication Skills
q Communication requirements

Course Delivery: Face-to-face or virtual | One day

 Strengthen the ability to make informed judgments in various situations,  distinguish between strong and weak critical thinkers and elevate decision-making capabilities.

Critical Thinking content
q Critical Thinking – Core critical thinking skills

q Thinking about my thinking (Metacognition)

Course Delivery: Virtual, Facilitator-led | 16 hours

Structured Query Language (SQL) is regarded as one of the most popular languages in the
data world.

SQL is the standard and most widely used programming language for relational databases. It is used to manage and organise data in all sorts of systems in which various data relationships exist. SQL is a valuable programming language with strong career prospects.

 SQL Fundamentals content
q Relational databases
q Writing the following basic SELECT statements: WHERE, BETWEEN, NULL, ORDER, TOP, GROUP BY , DISTINCT, SELECT, INTO, etc.
q Querying from more than one data source, using JOINS and UNIONS
q Writing subqueries and CTE’s
q Inserting, Updating, Altering, Deleting and Truncating data
q Working with functions like LEFT, LEN, CONCAT, IF, CASE and CONVERT
q Working with temp tables
q Creating, querying and deleting a VIEW

Course Delivery: Virtual, Facilitator-led | 16 hours

During this course, you will learn how to navigate through the different program functionalities, and acquire the know-how on how to tell a data story by applying Excel visualisations.

By using practical and real-life scenarios related to a typical business analytical process, we will journey through the various logical steps one can follow to gain real data insights.

Excel for Analysts content

q   Perform data analysis fundamentals
q Visualise data with Excel
q Analyse data with formulas and functions
q Analyse data with PivotTables
q Present visual insights with dashboards in Excel
q Perform statistical analysis
q Get and transform data
q Present insights with reports

Course Delivery: Virtual, Facilitator-led | 16 hours

During this course, you will be equipped on how to connect disparate data sets, transform and clean the data into a data model and create charts or graphs to provide visuals of the data.

Power BI Fundamentals content

q An introduction to Power BI
q Connecting to data sources with Power BI Desktop
q Transforming and sanitising data using the Query Editor
q Data modelling
q Working with visualisations
q Managing report pages

Course Delivery: Virtual, Facilitator-led | 8 hours

Data storytelling involves a story that explains your data insights and propel people to act based on data informed decision-making. Stories about your insights that evoke emotion, is what drives people to act and make better informed decisions.

Any data analysis is only as good as the narrative describing the insight. Data cannot speak for itself; it therefore needs a voice. You can use visuals and narrative to communicate easier and more effective. During this course, you will learn how to use Data Storytelling through a practical approach that will empower you.

Data Storytelling content

q Understanding the context of your story
q Choose the appropriate visual
q Eliminate clutter
q Focus the attention of the audience
q Think like a designer
q Tell a story