
The edge-creating leader skill

How and what you think and believe in drive how you behave and what you do, and consequently what you become.

You can choose what you think and what level you want to think at.

You have the potential to become an exceptional thinker.

Attitude, values and intelligence are not constant over time.

Decisions and thinking are dynamic interactions of emotions, cognitive processes and values.

Programme Philosophy

This programme will educate and inspire you about thinking as a skill in which you
will invest for the rest of your life.
It includes a twenty-week ‘Thinking Skill Development’ guideline to embed the
content and to develop your thinking skills.

“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.” Socrates

Design And Content

Designed in three layers of complexity.

Complexity increases as the thinking skills and techniques are applied.

Third layer explores parallel processing and strategic thinking.

Designed For


Senior Managers


High-potential Individuals


Two 2-day sessions to groups of 10 to 15

20-week application

“Most people would sooner die than think; in fact they do so”


Bertrand Russell

Why Invest in Thinking Skills?

Improve your impact at your level of work.

Significantly improve decision-making.

Develop the mental agility to deal with complexity and strategy.

Personal growth.

Insight to develop personal wholeness.

Essential for ongoing learning.

Stimulate others to think, especially children and young people.

Critical for the success of democracy.

What It Takes to Become a Thinker with Edge-Creating Skills

Knowledge about the brain and about thinking.

The will to think at a higher level.

A commitment to think about your thinking.

Time to think – valuing thinking as essential work.

A thinking environment and thinking partners.

Practice, practice, practice and feedback.

Consciously testing the quality of your thinking by its outcomes.

Curiosity to learn more about things and about thinking.

Core Thinking Skills

Evaluating – judgement criteria, verifying

Integrating – summarising, restructuring

Generating – inferring, predicting, elaborating

Analysing – attributes, relationships, patterns, main ideas, errors

Organising – comparing, classifying, ordering, representing

Remembering – encoding, recalling

Information gathering – observing, questioning

Focusing – problems, goals