
Virtual teams

By Carli Uys Head of Marketing, Research and Development (MCom Industrial Psychology and MCom Communication studies) Due to the global pandemic we all have encountered some form of virtual teamwork. To define virtual teams will help us to understand more of what a virtual team does. A virtual team is seen as a group of people who participate in common projects by making collaborative efforts to achieve shared goals and objectives. These people perform tasks […]

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Hybrid work

By Carli Uys Head of Marketing, Research and Development (MCom Industrial Psychology and MCom Communication studies) As organisations begin to return to office spaces, they must consider a new way of work and the best way for them to do so. Most of us have heard people talking about hybrid work and we ask ourselves “what is it and what makes it different from virtual work?”. Hybrid work refers to organisations allowing employees to work […]

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What psychological safety looks like in a hybrid work environment

By Carli Uys Head of Marketing, Research and Development (MCom Industrial Psychology and MCom Communication studies) As the world keeps changing due to the pandemic, a lot of focus has been placed on reduced trust and power dynamics within an organisation. This can impact the effectiveness of the hybrid workplace as managers are required to rethink and expand one of the strongest proven predictors of team effectiveness: psychological safety. Psychological safety is described as the […]

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Emotional Intelligence as a core leadership skill – Part 2

By Carli Uys Head of Marketing, Research and Development (MCom Industrial Psychology and MCom Communication studies) Leadership skills are in many contexts fairly recognisable. People who take initiative, who have a vision and who accomplish goals are considered to be good leaders. These leaders display their various skills when they are working with their team members. To be a great leader, you have to also focus on improving your skills that contribute to your ability […]

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How to be an empathetic leader: Part 2

By Carli Uys Head of Marketing, Research and Development (MCom Industrial Psychology and MCom Communication studies) Some leaders are naturally more empathetic than others and will have an advantage over leaders who have difficulty expressing empathy. Most leaders fall in the middle and are seen to be sometimes or somewhat empathetic. Here are a few strategies to practice becoming more empathetic: Become more personable and accessible It is important for the leaders to first understand […]

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How to be a great ‘virtual’ leader – Part 1

By Carli Uys (MCom Industrial Psychology and MCom Communication studies) Some leaders might assume that being a leader in the office is easier than being a leader virtually. In the office a leader can see team members, observe their behaviours and struggles, build stronger relationships with them, give guidance where needed and motivate team members to help them achieve their goals. When people work virtually, they have the opportunity (if they so choose) to show […]

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How to be a great ‘virtual’ leader – Part 2

By Carli Uys (MCom Industrial Psychology and MCom Communication studies) As a ‘virtual’ leader, you should focus on finding ways to translate your in-person leadership skills into virtual tactics to continuously focus on human connections. As a ‘virtual’ leader, ask yourself the following questions: Am I communicating enough with my team members? Am I checking in with my team members enough to find out if they are coping? Are my team members able to use […]

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Why empathy in the workplace matters

By Carli Uys Head of Marketing, Research and Development (MCom Industrial Psychology and MCom Communication studies) Organisations should focus more on hiring and developing effective managers and leaders who are capable of moving organisations forward during good and challenging times. Organisations should start looking beyond the traditional strategies for management development and start cultivating skills that are important for success. One of these skills is empathy. Empathy is a leadership competency that is essential when […]

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How to be an empathetic leader: Part 1

By Carli Uys Head of Marketing, Research and Development (MCom Industrial Psychology and MCom Communication studies) During these ever-changing times we are in, team members deserve to be led by an empathetic leader who deeply understands what they are going through. It is challenging during this time for a leader to make the right managerial and executive decisions and even more challenging to understand what his/her team members are going through. Working from home or […]

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How to be an effective communicator in the workplace

By Carli Uys Head of Marketing, Research and Development (MCom Industrial Psychology and MCom Communication studies) Communication is seen as one of the major concerns in the workplace. Being able to create and maintain a positive work environment you need to focus on communicating effectively. Effective communication consists of: Communication is seen as a core leadership function and a key characteristic of a good leader. Leaders need to master the skill of communication as it […]

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